=== Those who want to infringe American rights to speech, association, arms, and privacy cannot by definition be liberal, no matter what they call themselves. ===

This is particularly salient on the Top Hemisphere of the planet, where "Liberal" is the name of the primary CONSERVATIVE Party.

The other main "conservative" party - without which the "Liberal" Party has seldom been able to form government - refers to itself as the "National" Party.

In reality, the "National" Party represents agribusiness. In some States the "Nationals" also sometimes refer to themselves as the "Country Party", or the "National Country Party".

It's a dog's breakfast as far as nomenclature is concerned, but the brute fact is that absolutely none of them gives the slightest fuck about the populace at large.

We the Livestock exist to enrich the political class and their hangers-on (oligarchs, bureaucrats etc) and once we're spent we're supposed to just die - preferably quietly, and preferably out of view, off in a corner somewhere.

They've spent three generations quietly poisoning us - feminising the menfolk and putting women (who are objectively stupider than men - by 0.5σ*) in senior administrative and bureaucratic roles.

Since women are a bit stupider than men, they much more easily scared... so they are easy to convince that infringing on everyone else's personal liberties is entirely justified in order for these dysfunctional harridans to feel "safe".

And when they're encouraged to believe that they should feel "unsafe" if confronted with any non-milquetoast disagreement with their infatuation du jour, they feel justified in agitating for, implementing, and enforcing the most ILLIBERAL policies imaginable.

The hilarious thing is that the actual ENFORCERS - the armed, costumed, high-school under-performers that comprise the police forces - are mostly men. Worse: they're mostly WHITE men within 0.5σ of median intelligence.

These traitors - to their own sex; their own class; and their people - mostly don't actually believe in the rightness of their job. They do it for a paycheck, and are also titillated by the power to lord it over people who were better then them at school AND at sports.

I've used σ* to indicate the standard deviation of the distribution of IQ in white females (with is roughly 14); the female mean is about 94. The male mean and sd are 100 and 15, respectively.

That means that men outnumber women 10 to 1 at IQs above 135 - which is why so few women excel in STEM. Like bureacurats and politicians, the vast bulk of allegedly "smart" women are midwits, is what I'm saying - and midwits are the wrong people to run society.

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Three cheers from me, a long-time deist ! This essay says it all so well I might as well print off a few copies and hand them out rather than trying to argue with anybody.

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Thank You

It's one of the best articles I've read in a long time.

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