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Good call on the woman being compared to a dog. I never noticed that was so blatant. Either it was swept under the rug when taught to me, or re-framed somehow as to make it positive.

Parables are not be taken literally. The Gnostic writings paint Jesus as a magician of sorts. Is it possible that in some of this, the character Jesus is teaching mind power? Manifestation sorcery? "As a man thinketh." So, to those that have (in consciousness, which is faith) more is given, and to those that have not (in consciousness, which is faith) even that which they have will be taken from them. The modern day woo-woo version of that is "where attention goes, energy flows." The parable of minas is parallel to the parable of talents: multiplying one's talent vs hiding/preserving (essentially allowing to wither) one's talent.

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