Sep 18Liked by Lleland Maxwell

Excellent deep dive, Lleland.

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Sep 17Liked by Lleland Maxwell

Mind blown. Somehow the Phoenicians tie in here as well.

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I too thought of the so-called Sea Peoples, who were said to raid various coastal settlements and were supposedly the ancestors of the Phoenicians.

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The inquiry runs deep, as mystery that serves political ideology dominates, yet it is clear that some semblance of the early Greeks was multicultural.

Lately there has been a move to remove the Hellenes from the Indo-European root entirely. Part of this, it seems is due to the revision which keeps pushing Dionysus back, further into history.

I suppose all those blondes were after all just figments of artistic imagination.

In the actual Greek bible, Abraham was a pirate and trafficker with at least buisness ties to Canaan. The ancient Greeks were seafarers quite early, and it was clear that all this activity was anything but fully wholesome.

Its funny because it seems that everyone wants to know, who are the Jews, but to look at them, the ones in charge are white, aren't they?


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