Great article. Bluntness is urgently needed today. Are you William Milhayser? Who's Craig?

"Also share a note" -- how does that work? On another page I tried clicking the box and the word note -- no luck. I'm new to Substack.

Gayness is very, very right wing. The right wing is very, very gay. Even conservatives!

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I can see where "Gay Troll" worked as a nose-thumbing moniker at Unz, but when you have your own blog it turns the mockery around. Are you trolling your own site, your own readers?

To be openly gay (do you really like that pc designation?) on counter-semitic sites takes balls. So kudos to both Craig and you on that account. Good thing Prophet to the Wind has recently left this building, tho I see where he commented on your Rainbow Pills at one point. Well, that's neither here nor there, but hasn't the biblical rainbow become the symbol of Noahide subjugation?

Of the arguments on whether Jesus was a Jew or Judahite or Israelite or Nazerite or Homo Lite, only the first holds any interest for me anymore because I concur that he's most likely a pastiche concocted by the usual suspects. Nor do I think you can have nourishing fruit from a tree w/ rotten Semitic roots. However, my favorite alt-Jesus theory is that he was a Parthian/Sycthian descended from Summerian ancestry.

There was a full blown theory from the Hungarian Right that connected the Magi to a son of the ruling Parthian dynasty living in Galilee who conducted some free-lance outreach to the neighboring Hebrews and was the basis for the Gospel accounts. Can't find this thesis at their site (Feherlofo) anymore. It was Christian apologetics from a once Catholic country bravely showing some resistance to the hordes of Mordor.

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A gay troll is what I am.

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You miss me Billy?

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Not exactly.

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You wrote that "YHWH means 'Jew Creator' in Hebrew". How do you figure that? Don't Jews say that they don't even know how it's supposed to be pronounced? (Maybe they are just lying, of course.)

I have long suspected that יהוה is an acrostic, like ἸΧΘΥΣ, but I haven't a guess about what the words might be. You didn't add any details about your interpretation, or about the Heeb word for Jew meaning divine, so it's not clear what your reasoning is. I suppose that you are working from the fact that the first three letters of יהודי and יהוה are the same. Whatever the case, please elaborate.

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Good question, I totally glossed over it in this article. Basically, Jew and YHWH are actually the same word. Jew is short for Judah, the region of Israel whose capital is Jerusalem, and according to the Jewish Bible, the tribal patriarch Judah. In the Hebrew language Judah is Yehuda. The first part of the name is an abbreviation of the name YHWH. According to the Hebrew language, the letter Y (Yod) means Jew. So what does Jew mean?

In the Greek language which was the original language of Judaism, the Y sound was represented with an IE or IA, which denotes divinity. When the Bible was translated into Latin, the I became a J. Therefore in English and other cultures exposed to the Latin bible, names that start with a Hebrew Y start with a J instead. These include Joseph, John, Joshua, etc. It's also why some people read "Jehovah" from YHWH. The fact is that the Tetragrammaton could be transliterated as JEWE or JEVE. Jews are named after their "G-d".

I read YHWH as Y-HWH, with HWH being the pre Hebraic word "havah", meaning "to become". This is where the name of Eve comes from, the mother of the human race. If Y means "Jew" and HWH means "to become", then I think it is fair to read YHWH as "Jew Creator" or even "Jew-Eve".

Phonetically speaking, YHWH should be read as Yahwe or simply Yah or Yow. It appears to originally have been the name of the Akkadian god Ea, who was one of the Elohim.

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Thanks for elaborating. Another way to interpret things, I think, is that the Jews are becoming their own god. In short, י[הודים]הוה . Ye[HuDiM]HVH. This is similar to the contemporary Zionist notion of the Jews becoming their own moshiach, with all that implies in terms of malice for all other nations. Anyhow, if you're right, that would make it fair to read ehohim in Gen 1 literally. The text is useful superstition for dullards but some allegory about the origin of the Jews, as the founders wanted to be remembered. The FOUNDERS were the creators, so the elohist creation story came before the yahwist version. It's no longer mysterious how the first man and woman could have been made in the image and likeness of omnipotent elohim. They are the raw material whose descendants will together become the god. The alleged omnipotence, omniscience, etc. is hyperbole. (Christians rarely or never comprehend the problem, the contradictory gibberish, of claiming to be made like a god which, acc. to them, is VERY unlike humans.) And maybe the founders themselves retained a superstition about the world being created by a completely immaterial ghost. So the story, cobbled together from older sources, retains its usefulness for mystical daydreaming.

For fun, I listened to Google Translate's pronunciation of יהוה. "ya-ho-va", the voice of the techgod said. Plausible, but I don't trust Google. A big problem is that the Assyrian script lacks vowels , more or less. This introduces an ambiguity which can be exploited. Could it be that at least two different pronunciations, and thus different meanings, were intended? I do recall reading somewhere however that the four letters mean something like hand-window-hook-window. If we tweak your interpetation, Y means hand but refers to yehudim. This would make the Jews, who are becoming their own god, the hand of their god.

Your remark about Judaism originating among Greek speaking Jews raises interesting questions. Had they been reading Platon and absorbing his theocratic notions and his totalitarian political "philosophy"? When and how was the Greek Septuagint (a Latinate name, btw) suppressed in favor of Hebrew and written in the Assyrian script, not the Phoenecian script? And is it true that the Samaritan torah, though written in Paleo-Hebrew script (i.e. the Phoenecian), is otherwise nearly identical to torah as written in the square letter script? If so, how'd that happen?

I don't expect you to know the answers to these questions. Just thought I'd throw them out there to see what comes back one day, maybe by other routes. Probably one to ask is Russell Gmirkin, an independent scholar with whose work you may be familiar. You can find interviews of him on YouTube at MythVision Podcast, esp. one I watched in Dec. about "Manetho & Exodus, Berossus & Genesis:...".


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I've not dived too much into the topic but I'm thinking the idea that Jesus was not a Jew has merit.


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It does have merit, but it is only half the story. I think that Jesus was not a real person at all. He was an idea that was invented by an actual Jew named Paul. But the Roman Empire got the last word on the existence of Jesus Christ, beginning with the gospel of Mark. In the Gospels he comes from the sea of Galilee, which would be northern Israel or possibly Galatia. In that sense Jesus would not be a Judahite. In fact in the Gospels he becomes an anti Semite.

But Christianity is a mish mash of contradictory stories. Luke says Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is in Judah. Jesus is a Jewish name; it's literally Jewsus. As "Christ", Jesus is the messiah who fulfills the prophecies of the Jewish Bible. Remember it was a Jew who first imagined him! The fact is that Jesus Christ is a paradox who both is and isn't Jewish.

The book of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament and the basis of most Christian understanding, actually establishes this paradox on page 1. Matthew proves that Joseph is descended from the messiah David, meaning that according to prophecy, Joseph's son could also be the Christ. But then Matthew tells us that Mary got knocked up by a holy ghost!

In Matthew, Jesus Christ is actually a joke.

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