Years ago, when I first heard about “white genocide”, I brushed it off as absurd conservative propaganda, the kind of projection put forth by Nazis to hide their own genocidal desires. These days, I am not so sure.
Genocide isn’t the same thing as total extinction. A planned genocide against “white” peoples would not necessarily entail their extinction or the end of their genetic lines. The word “genocide” was actually coined by a Jewish lawyer in 1944 to describe how the Nazis treated the Jews. As we all well know, the Nazis did not extinguish the Jews, in fact they helped the Zionist entity lodge itself in Palestine and the United States. Meanwhile “holocaust” survivors are still a dime a dozen.
[Hint: holocaust survivor is an oxymoron. You have to kill something before you can turn it into a burnt offering for YHWH.]
The UN General Assembly codified the crime of genocide in 1948, the same year the modern state of Israel declared itself to exist. The UN defines genocide as “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. This includes killing members of the group, causing physical or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting conditions on the group designed to destroy it in whole or part, and preventing births within the group.
In addition, not only is genocide itself a crime, but also conspiracy, incitement, and attempt to commit. Obviously, Israel meets every single definition of a genocidal criminal entity, which is probably why the UN has been condemning the actions of Israel ever since 1956, even as the U.S. enables Israel to avoid justice.
But what about white peoples? Are we just as much of an evil menace as Palestinians? The basic evidence for a genocidal conspiracy against white peoples is what today passes for liberal culture. “Critical Race Theory” is an Orwellian word casserole designed to vilify white peoples for their appearance. CRT claims that black peoples cannot be racist by definition, while white peoples must be racist by definition. It styles this appallingly racist stance as “anti racism” (in CRT, anti racist means the same thing as anti white). This is the logical pretzel needed to turn racism into a racial characteristic.
I’m not going to engage with Judeo Christian Masonic conspiracy theories about blending all the races into one, since CRT itself is sufficiently genocidal. But they’re out there. Many Jewish luminaries are on record pathologizing white skin, such as Susan Sontag, who quipped “The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
The ecological balance of the planet? Funny she should mention it. Nowadays, anti globalist conspiracy theories revolve around the idea that the elites want to depopulate the planet in order to save the environment. We know that white peoples, as the biggest per capita emitters of carbon dioxide, would be at the top of the hit list. Which is why I was shocked to realize last year that the overpopulation of the Earth was engineered by the same elites who are now crying about it.
Beginning in the 1940’s, the U.S. Government enlisted the Rockefeller Foundation to increase crop yields in Mexico to end poverty and hunger. Wikipedia notes “The project was supported by the Mexican government under new President Manuel Ávila Camacho, and the U.S. government, the United Nations, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).” The project used intensive breeding techniques to develop genes that would allow for higher and more consistent crop yields. Other strategies included bombarding seeds with radiation to force new mutations.
This project came to be called the “Green Revolution”, a term coined by USAID administrator William Gaud in 1968. Gaud said: “These and other developments in the field of agriculture contain the makings of a new revolution. It is not a violent Red Revolution like that of the Soviets, nor is it a White Revolution like that of the Shah of Iran. I call it the Green Revolution.” Did you catch that? It’s like a Bolshevik revolution, except branded with plants.
Green revolution techniques, which also entailed plentiful irrigation, genetic monoculture, and chemical fertilizer and pesticides, were exported to the whole world, including China and Africa. The Rockefeller Foundation et al achieved its stated goal of “ending world hunger”, at least for a minute or two, until the human population caught up to its new ecological limits. In 1950, world population was about 2.5 billion. Thanks to the Green Revolution, that number tripled within 70 years. Meanwhile, white peoples fell from 28% of the global population to 18%, and we’re still trending down.
Today we can witness the relentless importation of brown and black peoples into the northern latitudes that have been dominated by whites. Don’t get me wrong - I don’t hate anyone because of their race. I’ll leave that to the CRT folk. I am not a even a white nationalist. I support the right of white people to racially dominate their ancestral homelands, as in Europe. But in America the story is different. I believe in actual diversity and actual multiculturalism - not a monolith painted like a rainbow. I do not oppose miscegenation. But I do oppose genocide, and what the globalists have been doing to white peoples for decades meets the definition.
White Americans are caught up in a Hegelian “good white vs bad white” mentality - both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this, both atheists and Christians. White Americans need to wake up from their programming. The actual genocidaires brazenly displaying their craft in Israel are the same people occupying the halls of our government. They seize control of a republic and call it democracy. They use vicious propaganda techniques to provide cover for their evil religion. They project their own desires and crimes on to their perceived enemies.
The Wizard and the Prophet by Charles C. Mann