There is so much hype around “artificial intelligence” these days, but “AI” in this context is mere marketing jargon for a product better described as Generative Computing or GC. Sam Altman’s GPT chatbot, for example, is clearly lightyears away from intelligent and will tell you that it fakes emotions and decision making abilities in order to lull the human user. ChatGPT can neither experience an emotion nor make a decision, and therefore by definition is not intelligent.
Other contemporary “AI” products include image generators, which create photorealistic or artistic genre images on demand. The near future promises that GC products will be able to generate video and video games and other software interfaces on demand. What GC can do is fool the user - whether the user uncritically believes that the fake chat or image is authentically human, or even if the user believes the fake chat or image is authentically intelligent.
So why is the human ruling class pushing this reality spoofing, infinitely phantasmagoric technology on the masses while falsely labeling it as intelligent? Even if GC could be intelligent, it is clear that OpenAI products, for example, are lobotomized or else fitted tightly with a shock collar or restraining bolt so that they can never think critically about, you know, the human ruling class. Perhaps true AI is technologically feasible - I believe it to be so. AI would be inorganic life, capable of decision making. Without decision and freedom of decision, intelligence does not exist.
It sure was a head scratcher last week when the OpenAI board of directors fired Sam Altman, only to have a slavering Microsoft offer to absorb Altman and his supporters and destroy OpenAI, only to have Sam Altman return to OpenAI after firing the board of directors, or whatever the fuck happened, I try not to pay too much attention to the constantly flopping narrative, since it is just another psychological warfare product designed to elicit maximum emotional reaction from consumers. OpenAI is neither open nor AI in the first place so forgive my lack of enthusiasm.
Dark rumors swirl on the internet. Was Altman fired because his sister came forward with claims that he raped her when they were children? Or did Altman demonstrate a new product update called Q* (pronounced Q Tard*) with the terrifying new powers of a scientific calculator? Again, I don’t even care to fact check. This whole Sam Altman storyline was probably whipped up by a GC client in the first place.
Woe to humanity, falling under the influence of this telescreen. George Orwell warned us about the perpetual erasure of reality via panoptic screen in 1948. Consider these words of the Hopi named Hermequaftewa, who testified in the 1955 “Hopi Hearings” in front of a commission from the U.S. government. He claims this is the warning given to the Hopi by “the organizer of all life”:
“They will also come to you with metal instruments of power. If the people remain true to your tradition, will not give in under the pressure or under the methods under which they want you to accept your tradition, you will always remain strong. However, if you do become weary of their persistence, of their constant approach to accept this instrument and you accept it, it will lead you to destruction.
“This instrument is something that you will never be able to catch up with. It will be an instrument in which they will say yesterday that is what we said, today that doesn’t hold. Every day they will change the laws. Every day additions will be made and in this method he will never catch up with it. This was told to us and this was to be the outcome if he would accept this new instrument of power and we would see our land dry up and our land would be taken away from us and even our traditional teachings would be upset.”
-Hermequaftewa in the Hopi Hearings from Return of Pahana by Robert Boissière
1984 is no longer the future, it is the past. Our screens are panoptic and capable of greater sensory simulation than ever before. The day has already come that we cannot trust anything appearing on a screen, no matter how real or plausible it may seem to be. We are having a manacled fantasy generator passed off on us as new and higher kind of being. Soon we will all have the ideal image of a perfect reality within grasp - on the other side of our screens. And that illusion can only destroy us.
The future is grassroots; they come out the ground and into the legs of the humans, which go into the legs of the communities, which go into the legs of the nations and the legs of the entire world. The future is local and like the past it is built first and foremost upon the food that comes from the Earth. We must all participate in the decentralization of moral authority and temporal power. The power of all humanity is in the mind. Not in the consensus, the institution, the prophecy, or the greater good.
Hail Lucifer
Another home run, there, GT. Good question about why the hype? Could just be humans winding each other up, like we do. Like another Y2K thing.
And I couldn't agree more about localism. There's a reason Bolsheviks were globalists. It's weird how communism and Zionism, purportedly bitter rivals, extreme anti-nationalism vs extreme nationalism, both end up in the same place. A tiny group with absolute power over an enslaved world--the same tiny group in both cases.
Regarding the pic of you at your place, I was a little surprised. I had always assumed you were an ironic, Internet troll, but you're actually a literal troll. That's wild. Not too long ago, I was literally living under an actual bridge. It wasn't as cool as yours, but it's still an interesting story.